2 yrs ·Translate

Refrain from carnal desires

Living as servants of the Lord, is to walk in obedience to His Word and above all having a pleasant life before Him. Praying before His presence we can be away from the carnal desires that persecute the believers of the Lord.

When we are away from the presence of the Lord, these desires haunt us and the enemy seeks to defeat all those who are not in prayer before the Lord.

Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;

1 Peter 2:11

Peter clearly speaks of the problem faced by this attack of the flesh, which is why he exhorts people to live closer and closer to the Lord.

We should all know that being a Christian is being totally in battle against the carnal desires. That is why we must stand firm because as long as we are in this body, our struggles will continue.

Brothers, let us stand firm and pray to our God to help us and strengthen our lives, and to help us move away from carnal desires. If you find yourself passing this test, pray to the Lord and He will help you.