Naked and not ashamed

When you are striped of all that built a false sense of self you are left with true sense of identity

We are stuck with ourselves in these bodies. The sooner we accept this reality the better. Rather than exerting 400% effort to be like your friend or colleague just stick to 0% effort that keeps you being you. 

God has done an awesome job to bring you to this realm you just have not even discovered the 99% that you are and you are stuck with the 1% visible body object in front of your mirror. 

In the invisible 99% that you are; just discover 5% of it and sooner or later your closest friend or foe will give you the respect you deserve. 14 O

My status 36 minutes ago Greater is He that is in you that he who is in the world. This verse also means get attracted to the invisible You inside you. He is One with you inside you and that makes the oneness in you to be capital You and the most attractive You ever 13 O

That being said; the beginning of insanity is to be attracted to anyone and anything outside you than the You inside you. 

You have become around yourself for too long and you got used to that which those looking at you greatly admire. Therefore return to the You inside you once again.  


Of the Prodigal son the scriptures say: and when he came to himself. Luke 15:17. You have gone too far to get the joy. It's time you take a trip to Yourself in you. 


There is You that even the mirror does not qualify to detect and reflect toO visibility. Take that trip today and find the You in you. 

In the stillness outside the usual noises. In the nakedness outside the usual garments. In the possession-lessn ess outside the usual toys you sob eagerly want to display lies the You inside you. 

You are neither a mistake nor an accidental big bang or smallest bang that came to being in this realm. You are a well planned Life Project by the Father of Lights 

Whoever Adam and Eve story you chose to believe; just like the first day you came, the story about them above all observations is: Naked and not ashamed Gen 2:25 

Naked And Not Ashamed is the Greater You in you. In this realm Naked may mean temporary loss of business, job, qualifications...blank. Yes Blank yet not Empty. Just like the New Page. 

The Artist of Life has made you a canvas and sometimes He rubs all to begin a New Design. He will remove that House that Car that Job that All Ego Description and take you back to the Naked and Not Ashamed position. 

Naked and Ashamed is where most are caught up. Fearing for the nakedness of their ego. Yes you may be Naked, with no story to write home about today. However once you remove the Shame, the Artist will come once more and Draw a New Design the New Page you have Become. 

Become a New Page today. Be Blank yet not Empty. Be Naked and not Ashamed. You are dearly loved because this letter arrived in your doorstep today. 

Open those curtains. Open those windows. Open that door. Open that music once again. Stand outside. Greet the neighbours. It's a New Day. 



Vanto Vanto

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