2 yrs ·Translate

Dear friend,

Life can be tough some days, can’t it? In my current season of life I’ve been wrestling with some old, but familiar demons of insecurity. Questions that I know the real answers to such as…

Do you have what it takes to do what God’s called you to do?

Do you really bring value to the table anymore?

Our your best days behind you?

Those doubts and questions have all been ferociously and relentlessly haunting me. Isn’t it true that when life isn’t working out the way you want life to work out, or when you feel defeated and crushed, when your relational world is falling apart, or when you keep praying and praying and praying about something but there’s no progress that you start to wonder…

God where are you?

God why aren’t you answering?

Do you know?

Do you care?

We wonder if there is anything that STILL holds true.

Early this morning as I was still trying to search internally for some answers, I came across one of my favorite verses.

Psalm 34:18 18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.

I’ll be honest. I don’t have a clue what you might be going through today. But even in the face of your difficult and unexplainable circumstances I think certain things still hold true.

I believe…

Hope is still stronger than despair.

There is a God who still answers prayer.

His mercies are still new every morning.

His forgiveness is still stronger than sin.

His guidance is still greater than human confusion.

His promises still remain more certain than human fear.

So to all of my friends with broken or discouraged hearts. Let’s choose today (yes, in the midst of our difficulties) to believe that one day light will win over the darkness, love will win over hate, and all things will be redeemed and exist the way they were intended… and until that day, HE IS CLOSE. Closer than you ever imagined. Loving deeper than you’ve ever felt.

I’m praying for you. I hope you’ll do the same for me.